Brand configurable table to complete your gaming offer

Chroma Key Baccarat

Chroma Key Live Baccarat makes the gaming experience unique, allowing operators to brand customise the background and interface. Unlimited multiplayer table, with bets on the baize, bonuses and side bets.

Real and Asian statistics complete the game, facilitating players who love probability.

As well as customising the background, logos and banners can be inserted with links to your site, thus increasing the marketing and cross-selling possibilities.


trends of the principal bets
bonuses and principal side bets
to interact with the dealer and players sitting at the table
(including Bead Road, Big Road, Small Road, Cockroach Pig, Big Eye Boy)


HD audio/video infrastructure for greater sharpness in recognising the cards
the games are scalable with unlimited players
software to modify backgrounds and include logos in the green baize
the banners can be managed independently, with links to the customer’s own landing pages

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